Monday, March 16, 2009

Hotel of Dogs

The movie begins with a little white dog tied up on a city street. Images pop up, as he smells different things. He smells a hot dog, escapes from his collar and goes down the street until he finds a guy eating one. The guy teases him, and then gets splashed and the dog gets his food. We then see Bruce (Jake T. Austin) on the floor of a restroom, shrink-wrapping a box that his sister Andi (Emma Roberts) pawns for cash. They meet in a park, where they have used the money to feed the white dog, Friday. Suddenly, they see the police with the pawnshop employee who points her out as the scammer. She tries to get out of it but Bruce spills his backpack, revealing his scamming supplies. Busted.

This movie was fantastic, I watched it last nite
Very nice and talk about save the dogs and stray dogs

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